오전에 진행된 주요 쟁점은 ▲연수원 이전 재배치에 대한 보고자료의 문제점과 대안 ▲AI디지털 교과서의 성공적인 도입을 위한 교육연수원의 역할과 책임 ▲인재개발국의 디지털 기반 교육 혁신 역량강화 지원사업의 세부 예산과 목적 ▲공공의 건물 리모델링과 관련한 계획수립▲인재개발국의 체계적이고 구체적인 성과와 목표설정 ▲2025년의 연수운영계획 등이다.
첫 번째 질의를 한 변재석의원(더민주 고양1)은 율곡연수원 기부채납한 율곡선생의 후손들의 정신과 위배되는 행정으로 물의를 일으킨 인재개발국 문제점을, 오세풍의원(국힘 김포2)은 율곡연수원의 물품 시설등의 계약 과정중 어려움에 따른 문제와 실제적 움직임이 적은 교육청 신뢰를 지적했다.
이서영의원(국힘 비례)은 내년부터 시작되는 AI디지털교과서 도입에따른 교사의 전문성부족과 디지털교과서 활용 역량 강화방안에 문제제기 했으며 이은주의원(국힘 구리2)은 인재개발국 오찬숙 국장이 9월부터 조원동 청사로 근무발령받고 남부청사로 근무한 사실에 관해 함께하는 정신이 부족하다고 비판했다.
한편 이자형의원(더민주 비례)은 미디어교육센터에 고가의 미디어장비 대여가 교직원 위주로 집중되어있는부분과 학생들이 장비대여시 불편한 절차로 인해 큰 장벽이 되고있음을 지적하며 디지털역량강화의 취지에 맞게 간편한절차로 학생들이 사용할수있도록 해야한다고 주장했다.
문승호의원(더민주 성남1)은 24년에 10억사용된 해외연수 문제와 조원청사 리모델링으로 300억 비용 필요성문제를 짚었으며 황진희의원은 연수운영계획과 연수현황정리 미흡을 지적하며 교육의 인프라를 위해 2025년 연수운영 정책의 개선을 촉구했다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
[Break News Gyeonggi Southern = Suwon Oh Kyung-hee Reporter] The Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Education Administration Committee conducted an administrative audit of the Human Resources Development Bureau, Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education Education Training Institute, Yulgok Training Institute, Future Science Education Institute, Student Education Institute, Character Education Institute, International Education Institute, and Media Education Center on the 19th.
The main issues discussed in the morning were ▲Problems and alternatives in the report on the relocation and relocation of the training institute ▲The role and responsibility of the Education Training Institute for the successful introduction of AI digital textbooks ▲The detailed budget and purpose of the Human Resources Development Bureau's digital-based education innovation capacity enhancement support project ▲Planning for public building remodeling ▲Systematic and specific achievements and goal setting of the Human Resources Development Bureau ▲Training operation plan for 2025, etc.
The first questioner, Rep. Byun Jae-seok (Democratic Party, Goyang 1), raised the issue of the Human Resources Development Bureau, which has caused controversy due to administrative actions that go against the spirit of the descendants of Yulgok Seonsaeng who donated the Yulgok Training Center. Rep. Oh Se-poong (People's Power, Gimpo 2) pointed out the difficulties caused by the contract process for the Yulgok Training Center's supplies and facilities, as well as the lack of trust in the Office of Education, which has shown little actual movement.
Rep. Lee Seo-young (People's Power, proportional representation) raised the issue of teachers' lack of expertise and measures to strengthen their digital textbook utilization capabilities due to the introduction of AI digital textbooks starting next year. Rep. Lee Eun-joo (People's Power, Guri 2) criticized the fact that Director Oh Chan-sook of the Human Resources Development Bureau was transferred to the Jo-won-dong office in September and worked at the Southern Office, saying that she lacks a spirit of togetherness.
Meanwhile, Rep. Lee Ja-young (Democratic Party proportional representative) pointed out that the rental of expensive media equipment at the Media Education Center is concentrated mainly on faculty and staff, and that the inconvenient procedures for students to rent equipment are a major obstacle, and argued that in line with the purpose of strengthening digital capabilities, it should be made possible for students to use it through simple procedures. Rep. Moon Seung-ho (Democratic Party Seongnam 1) pointed out the issue of overseas training that cost 1 billion won in 2024 and the need for 30 billion won for remodeling the Jowon building, and Rep. Hwang Jin-hee pointed out the insufficient training operation plan and training status organization, and urged improvement of the training operation policy in 2025 for the sake of education infrastructure.
<저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기남부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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