지난 4일 오산시청 상황실에서 열린 시상식은 2024년 안심귀갓길 합동순찰을 적극적으로 추진한 14명의 수상자가 참석했으며 국민의례와이권재시장의 축하 인사, 표창장 수여 그리고 단체 사진 촬영 순으로 진행됐다.
이번 2024년 안심귀갓길 유공자는 지정욱님(갈곶동자율방범대), 이영만님(남촌동자율방범대), 최정숙님(녹색어머니회), 최복규님(신장1동 바르게살기위원회),전상흥님(법무부청소년범죄예방위원 오산지구위원회), 김정분님(신장동자율방범대), 김영옥님((사)아동청소년보호협회 오산시지회), 김명자님(안전보안관), 김영아님(안전지도사협회), 변미숙님(여성자율방범대), 조영후님(오산대 경찰행정학과), 진성희님(외국인치안봉사단), 조민형님(의용소방대),김보성님(중앙동자율방범대)가 선정되어 오산시장 표창장을 받았다.
한편 오산시는 2023년부터 공동체 치안 활성화와 안전한 밤거리 조성을 위해 매월 마지막 주 월요일을 ‘민관경 안심귀갓길 합동순찰의 날’로선포했다.
이후 오산시 안전보안관, (사)아동청소년보호협회 오산시지회, 궐동행복마을관리소, 오산의용소방대, 외국인치안봉사단, 녹색어머니회, 법무부청소년범죄예방위원 오산지구위원회, 신장1동 바르게살기위원회, 자율방범대, 오산대학교경찰행정학과, 안전지도사협회, 여성예비군을 포함해 매월 20여 개 사회단체와 합동 순찰을 이어왔다.
오산시는 최근 피해자가 특정되지 않은 이상 동기 범죄 등이 지속 발생함에 따라 범죄예방을 위한 안전 인프라 강화 정책이 중요하게 대두되는 만큼, 안심귀갓길합동순찰을 통해 안전문화 확산과 범죄취약지역 발굴, 안전시설 점검 등 범죄예방활동을 강화하고 있다.
아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
[Break News Gyeonggi Nambu = Osan Reporter Lee Hyeon-jun] Osan City held the 2024 Safe Return Home Award Ceremony.
The award ceremony, held in the Osan City Hall Situation Room on the 4th, was attended by 14 award recipients who actively promoted the 2024 Safe Return Home Joint Patrol, and the ceremony was held in the following order: National Anthem, Mayor Lee Kwon-jae's congratulatory remarks, awarding of certificates, and group photo.
This year, the 2024 Safe Return Home Meritorious Persons were selected as Ji Seong-wook (Galgot-dong Autonomous Neighborhood Watch), Lee Young-man (Namchon-dong Autonomous Neighborhood Watch), Choi Jeong-sook (Green Mothers’ Association), Choi Bok-gyu (Sinjang 1-dong Correct Living Committee), Jeon Sang-heung (Ministry of Justice Juvenile Crime Prevention Committee Osan District Committee), Kim Jeong-bun (Sinjang-dong Autonomous Neighborhood Watch), Kim Young-ok (Osan City Branch of the Child and Youth Protection Association), Kim Myeong-ja (Safety Sheriff), Kim Young-ah (Safety Instructor Association), Byeon Mi-sook (Women’s Autonomous Neighborhood Watch), Jo Young-hoo (Osan University, Department of Police Administration), Jin Seong-hee (Foreigner Security Service), Jo Min-hyeong (Volunteer Firefighter), and Kim Bo-seong (Jungang-dong Autonomous Neighborhood Watch) and received a commendation from the Mayor of Osan. Meanwhile, Osan City declared the last Monday of every month as the 'Civilian-Public Safety Return Home Joint Patrol Day' starting in 2023 to promote community security and create safe streets at night.
Since then, Osan City Safety and Security Officers, Osan City Branch of the Children and Youth Protection Association, Gwoldong Happy Village Management Office, Osan Volunteer Fire Brigade, Foreigner Security Volunteer Corps, Green Mothers' Association, Ministry of Justice Juvenile Crime Prevention Committee Osan District Committee, Shinjang 1-dong Correct Living Committee, Autonomous Neighborhood Watch, Osan University Police Administration Department, Safety Instructor Association, and Women's Reserve Forces have been conducting joint patrols with about 20 social organizations every month.
Osan City is strengthening safety infrastructure for crime prevention policies as crimes with unspecified motives continue to occur, and as such, the importance of safety infrastructure reinforcement policies for crime prevention is emerging. Therefore, through the Safe Return Home Joint Patrol, Osan City is strengthening crime prevention activities such as spreading safety culture, discovering crime-prone areas, and inspecting safety facilities. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스 경기남부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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