
기흥구, 4개 초등학교에 승하차구역 설치

이현준기자 | 기사입력 2024/10/31 [07:28]

기흥구, 4개 초등학교에 승하차구역 설치

이현준기자 | 입력 : 2024/10/31 [07:28]





[브레이크뉴스경기남부=용인 이현준기자] 용인특례시가 어린이보호구역에 승하차구역을 설치하는 등 다양한 교통안전시설물을 확대하고 있다.


기흥구는 어린이 통학 안전을 강화하기 위해 올해 4개 초등학교 앞 초당초‧석성초엔 일반형 승하차구역을, 나산초‧교동초엔 베이형 승하차구역을 설치해 어린이들이 안전하게 등하교 하도록 한 것이다. 총사업비 약 2억4500만원이 투입됐다.


구는 지난 5월 이상일 용인특례시장 주재 기흥구 31곳 학교장 간담회에서 초당초‧석성초 승하차구역 설치 건의가 나오자 경찰의 교통안전시설심의위원회 검토가 마무리된 즉시 조치했다.


구는 또 기존에 일반형 승하차구역이 있었으나 차량 통행에 지장을 주는 교동초 앞 어린이보호구역을 베이형으로 교체하고, 나산초에도 베이형 승하차구역을 설치했다.


구는 유효보도폭이 4m 미만이면서 차량 흐름에 크게 방해되지 않는 곳에 도로 노면과 표지판으로 승하차구역임을 알리는 ‘일반형 승하차구역’을, 유효보도폭이 4m 이상이면서 차량 흐름에 방해가 된다고 판단되는 곳엔 도로 일부를 할애해 승하차 공간을 마련하는 ‘베이형 승하차구역’을 설치한다.


구는 어린이를 비롯한 보행자들이 어린이 보호구역임을 쉽게 알 수 있도록 초당초, 교동초 등 11곳 승하차구역 보도에 노란색 사인블록과 보차도 경계석 등을 설치했다.


이와 별개로 마북초와 서천초 앞에 운전자들이 어린이보호구역 내 횡단보도 신호 대기 중인 어린이를 쉽게 확인 할 수 있도록 옐로카펫을 설치했고, 동백초와 산양초에도 11월 중 설치할 계획이다.


구는 올 12월까지 초당어린이집사거리와 초당초교 후문 삼거리 등 4곳에 적색잔여시간표시기를 설치하고 지석초와 서천초엔 노후 도로를 재포장하는 등 안전시설물을 정비할 방침이다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


[Break News Gyeonggi Nambu = Reporter Lee Hyeon-jun from Yongin] Yongin Special City is expanding various traffic safety facilities, such as installing boarding and alighting zones in children’s protection zones.


In order to strengthen children’s safety while commuting to school, Giheung-gu installed general boarding and alighting zones in front of four elementary schools this year at Chodang Elementary School and Seokseong Elementary School, and bay-type boarding and alighting zones at Nasan Elementary School and Gyodong Elementary School, so that children can safely go to and from school. A total project cost of approximately 245 million won was invested.


When the suggestion to install boarding and alighting zones at Chodang Elementary School and Seokseong Elementary School was made at a meeting of 31 school principals in Giheung-gu chaired by Mayor Lee Sang-il of Yongin Special City, the district immediately took action after the police’s traffic safety facility deliberation committee completed its review.


The district also replaced the children’s protection zone in front of Gyodong Elementary School, which previously had a general boarding and alighting zone but was impeding vehicle traffic, with a bay-type boarding and alighting zone at Nasan Elementary School.


The district will install a ‘general boarding and alighting zone’ that uses road surfaces and signs to indicate boarding and alighting zones in areas where the effective sidewalk width is less than 4m and does not significantly interfere with the flow of traffic, and a ‘bay-type boarding and alighting zone’ that allocates a portion of the road to create a space for boarding and alighting in areas where the effective sidewalk width is 4m or more and is judged to interfere with the flow of traffic.


The district has installed yellow sign blocks and curbs on the sidewalks of 11 boarding and alighting zones, including Chodang Elementary School and Gyodong Elementary School, so that pedestrians, including children, can easily recognize that they are in a children’s protection zone.


In addition, yellow carpets have been installed in front of Mabuk Elementary School and Seocheon Elementary School so that drivers can easily see children waiting for the crosswalk signal in the children’s protection zone, and they are planned to be installed in Dongbaek Elementary School and Sanyang Elementary School in November.


The district plans to install red remaining time indicators at four locations, including the Chodang Kindergarten intersection and the three-way intersection behind the Chodang Elementary School, by December of this year, and to improve safety facilities, such as repaving old roads at Jiseok Elementary School and Seocheon Elementary School.



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