
경기도교육청, AI 기반 교수·학습 플랫폼 ‘하이러닝’ 시범 운영

이귀선기자 | 기사입력 2023/09/25 [14:58]

경기도교육청, AI 기반 교수·학습 플랫폼 ‘하이러닝’ 시범 운영

이귀선기자 | 입력 : 2023/09/25 [14:58]

[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 이귀선기자] 경기도교육청(교육감 임태희)이 AI 기반 교수·학습 플랫폼 ‘하이러닝’을 활용해 학생 맞춤형 교육 실현에 박차를 가하고 있다.


도교육청에 따르면 김포 솔터초는 디지털 기반 학생 맞춤형 교육을 실천하는 ‘디지털 선도학교’로 지난 13일부터 학생과 교사의 교수․학습 과정을 지원하는 AI 기반 교수․학습 플랫폼 ‘하이러닝’시범 운영을 시작했다.


솔터초에서는 ‘하이러닝’을 활용해 4학년 국어 교과 ‘마음을 전하는 글 쓰는 방법 이해하기’수업이 진행됐다.


수업에서는 ▲AI 학습분석 ▲학습 참여도 분석 ▲학생 맞춤형 피드백 ▲수준별 학습 콘텐츠 제공 ▲교사와 학생 간 활발한 상호작용 등   다양한 디지털 기술을 활용한 학생 맞춤형 교육이 이루어졌다.


도교육청 이경희 제1부교육감은 25일 김포 솔터초등학교(학교장 조상국)를 방문해 하이러닝을 활용한 교육활동을 참관하고 현장 의견을 청취했다.


이경희 제1부교육감은 “하이러닝을 활용해 학생의 학습 진단, 맞춤형 수업 설계, 교수학습을 지원해 학생들이 주도적으로 수업에 참여했다”며 “선도학교가 디지털 기반 교육혁신 모델 개발과 확산의 디딤돌이 되어 교사들과 좋은 사례를 공유하며 풍성하고 다채로운 수업을 지원하겠다”고 말했다.


한편 도내 162개교에서 초 4학년, 중 1학년, 고 1학년 대상 하이러닝 시범 운영을 시작했다.



아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.> 


[Break News Southern Gyeonggi = Suwon Reporter Gwi-seon Lee] Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education (Superintendent Tae-hee Lim) is accelerating the realization of customized education for students by utilizing ‘High Learning’, an AI-based teaching and learning platform.


According to the Provincial Office of Education, Gimpo Salter Elementary School is a 'digital leading school' that practices digital-based student-tailored education and began pilot operation of 'High Learning', an AI-based teaching and learning platform that supports the teaching and learning process of students and teachers, on the 13th. did.


At Salter Elementary School, the 4th grade Korean language class ‘Understanding how to write to convey your heart’ was held using ‘High Learning’.


In the class, customized education was provided to students using various digital technologies, such as ▲AI learning analysis ▲learning participation analysis ▲customized student feedback ▲provision of learning content by level ▲active interaction between teachers and students.


On the 25th, First Vice Superintendent Lee Kyung-hee of the Provincial Office of Education visited Salter Elementary School in Gimpo (Principal Cho Sang-guk) to observe educational activities using high learning and listen to on-site opinions.


First Vice Superintendent Lee Kyung-hee said, “By using high learning, we supported student learning diagnosis, customized lesson design, and teaching and learning, so students actively participated in classes.” He added, “Leading schools have become a stepping stone for the development and spread of digital-based educational innovation models.” “We will support rich and diverse classes by sharing good cases with teachers,” he said.


Meanwhile, 162 schools in the province began pilot operations of high learning for fourth graders, first graders of middle school, and first graders of high school.



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  • 경기도교육청, AI 기반 교수·학습 플랫폼 ‘하이러닝’ 시범 운영
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