
경기도교육청, 중등 핵심교원 200명 양성

이귀선기자 | 기사입력 2023/08/25 [12:10]

경기도교육청, 중등 핵심교원 200명 양성

이귀선기자 | 입력 : 2023/08/25 [12:10]

[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 이귀선기자] 경기도교육청(교육감 임태희)이 중등 교육과정・수업・평가 전문가 200명을 핵심교원으로 양성한다. 


핵심교원 양성과정은 중・고등학교로 학교급을 나눠 오는 26일과 9월 2일 양일간 서울대학교 시흥캠퍼스에서 진행한다.


도 교육청에 따르면 교육과정과 수업・평가의 변화를 총체적으로 이해하는 역량을 키울 수 있도록 구성했다.


중학교급의 연수 내용은 ▲2022 개정 중학교 교육과정 주요 변화 ▲학교자율시간 운영 및 활용 ▲깊이 있는 학습을 위한 교과 교육과정 강조점 ▲역량 함양을 위한 학생평가 방향 ▲4세대 교육정보시스템(나이스) 활용 등이다.


고등학교급 연수 내용은 ▲학생의 과목 선택권을 확대하는 학기제 교육과정 설계・운영 모델 ▲2022 개정 교과목별 이해 제고 ▲성취평가제의 현장 안착 지원 ▲학기제 나이스 운영 매뉴얼 이해 등으로 진행한다.


핵심교원은 25개 교육지원청별로 권역별・교과별 연수 강사와 컨설턴트로 활동하며 학교의 미래형 교육과정 설계・운영 및 수업・평가 역량 함양을 위한 맞춤형 연수를 지원할 예정이다.


도교육청 김윤기 교육과정정책과장은 “핵심교원은 학생의 미래 역량과 기초 소양을 함양할 수 있도록 교육과정 운영과 수업・평가에 든든한 지원자가 될 것”이라며 “교원의 교육과정 문해력 신장과 수업・평가 역량을 체계적으로 높일 수 있도록 앞으로도 적극 노력하겠다”고 말했다.


한편 도교육청은 ▲중학교 학교자율시간 안내 ▲개정 교육과정 설계・운영 모델 ▲학기제 운영교 나이스 매뉴얼 ▲고교 과목선택 안내자료 ▲학기제 편제표 양식 등을 개발해 9월 초 보급할 예정이다.


해당 자료는 2022 개정 교육과정 및 고교학점제 도입에 따른 학교 현장의 요구와 필요를 반영해 경기도교육청에서 선제적으로 개발했다. 도교육청은 해당 자료를 학교교육과정의 설계・운영 자율성 강화와 학생 과목 선택권 확대를 돕는 데 적극 활용할 계획이다.



아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


[Break News Gyeonggi South = Reporter Lee Gwi-seon, Suwon] The Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education (Superintendent Lim Tae-hee) trains 200 secondary curriculum, class, and evaluation experts as core teachers.


The core teacher training course will be held at the Siheung Campus of Seoul National University on the 26th and September 2nd, when school levels are divided into middle and high schools.


According to the provincial office of education, it is designed to develop the ability to comprehensively understand the changes in the curriculum and lessons and assessments.


The contents of the training at the middle school level are ▲Major changes in the 2022 revised middle school curriculum ▲Operation and utilization of school autonomous time ▲Curriculum emphasis for in-depth learning ▲Student evaluation direction for competency development ▲Use of the 4th generation educational information system (NICE), etc. am.


The content of the high school level training is to ▲design and operate a semester-based curriculum that expands students’ right to choose subjects ▲enhance the understanding of each subject revised in 2022 ▲support the on-site settlement of the achievement evaluation system ▲understand the operating manual of the semester system NEIS.


Core teachers will act as training instructors and consultants by region and subject for each of the 25 education support offices, and will support customized training to design and operate future-oriented curriculum and develop class and evaluation capabilities.


Kim Yoon-gi, head of the curriculum policy department at the Provincial Office of Education, said, “Core teachers will be strong supporters for curriculum operation and teaching and evaluation so that students can develop their future capabilities and basic knowledge.” We will continue to actively work to improve our capabilities systematically,” he said.


Meanwhile, the Provincial Office of Education is planning to develop and disseminate the following in early September: ▲ Guidelines for autonomous school hours for middle schools ▲ Design and operation model for revised curriculum ▲ Nice manual for schools operating the semester system ▲ Guidelines for selecting high school subjects ▲ Forms for organizing the semester system.


The materials were preemptively developed by the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education by reflecting the demands and needs of the school site following the introduction of the 2022 revised curriculum and high school credit system. The Provincial Office of Education plans to actively utilize the data to help strengthen autonomy in designing and operating school curriculum and expand student choice of subjects.


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  • 경기도교육청, 중등 핵심교원 200명 양성
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