
경기도의회-경기도-경기도교육청 공동주최

이귀선기자 | 기사입력 2022/09/23 [09:29]

경기도의회-경기도-경기도교육청 공동주최

이귀선기자 | 입력 : 2022/09/23 [09:29]


▲ 경기도의회  © 이귀선기자

[브레이크뉴스경기남부=수원 이귀선기자] 경기도 및 경기도의회, 경기도교육청이 공동으로 주최하는 ‘2022년 경기도-경기교육 정책토론대축제’개회식이 22일(목) 경기도의회 대회의실에서 열렸다.


이날 개회식은 김태수 팀장(경기도 소통협력과 의회협력2팀)의 사회로 진행됐다.


개회사는 염종현 경기도의회 의장, 김달수 경기도 정무수석, 이현철 경기도교육청 교육협력국장 순으로 진행되었다.


남종섭 경기도의회 더불어민주당 대표의원, 곽미숙 경기도의회 국민의힘 대표의원이 축사를 맡아 경기도-경기교육 정책토론대축제 개회식을 빛냈다.


염종현 경기도의회 의장은 개회사를 통해 “경기도-경기교육 정책토론대축제는 11대 의회가 개회되면서 새롭게 시작되는 행사라서 의미가 남다르다며, 결과가 고스란히 도민의 민생에 담겨지길 바란다.”고 말했다.


이어 김달수 경기도 정무수석은 “의회와 집행부와 도민과 전문가가 만나는 의정활동의 뿌리이며 혁신적인 정책을 만드는 샘물같은 행사라며, 토론회가 더 발전될 수 있도록 행정적인 지원을 아끼지 않겠다.”고 하였다.


이현철 경기도교육청 교육협력국장은“토론회를 통해서 교육현장의 목소리를 담아 개선하여 정책 수립을 위한 밑거름이 될 것이며, 의회와 소통을 통해서 자율, 균형, 미래의 삼대원칙을 지키면서 미래 교육의 중심 경기교육을 위해 노력하겠다.”라고 밝혔다.


남종섭 경기도의회 더불어민주당 대표의원은 “그동안 정책토론회가 도민의 행복과 아동·학생이 행복한 교육환경을 만들기 위해 각계각층의 인사들이 지혜를 모아온 정책 축제의 장인 만큼, 향후 토론회에서도 도민들의 더 나은 삶을 위해 다양한 논의와 좋은 정책제안들이 많이 나오길 기대한다”고 밝혔다.


곽미숙 경기도의회 국민의힘 대표의원은“주요 정책을 공개적으로 논의하는 장인 정책토론대축제를 통해, 사회적 구심력을 높히고 공동체의 이익을 확대시켜야 한다”고 하였다. 또한“다양성이 인정되는 가운데 경기도민, 도청, 교육청과 함께 하나 되는 경기도를 만들기 위해 소통하겠다”고 밝혔다.


개회식에 이어 경기도의회 교육기획위원회 황진희 위원장이 좌장을 맡은 [독성 소독제의 문제점과 대책 마련 토론회]가 진행되었다.


2022년 경기도-경기교육 정책토론대축제는 경기도의회 유튜브를 통해 비대면으로도 참여할 수 있다.


아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


[Break News Gyeonggi Nambu = Suwon Reporter Lee Gwi-sun] The opening ceremony of the ‘2022 Gyeonggi-Gyeonggi Education Policy Debate Festival’ jointly hosted by Gyeonggi-do, Gyeonggi-do Council, and Gyeonggi-do Office of Education was held on the 22nd (Thursday) at the Gyeonggi-do Assembly Hall.


The opening ceremony was hosted by Team Leader Kim Tae-soo (Gyeonggi-do Communication and Cooperation Team and Parliamentary Cooperation 2 Team).


The opening remarks were held in the order of Yeom Jong-hyeon, Chairman of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly, Kim Dal-su, Gyeonggi's Senior Political Affairs Officer, and Lee Hyeon-cheol, Director of Education Cooperation Bureau, Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education.


Nam Jong-seop, Representative of the Democratic Party of Gyeonggi-do, and Kwak Mi-sook, Representative of the People's Power of the Gyeonggi-do Council, gave congratulatory speeches, and the opening ceremony of the Gyeonggi-Gyeonggi Education Policy Debate Festival was celebrated.


Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly Chairman Yeom Jong-hyun said in his opening remarks, “The Gyeonggi-Gyeonggi Education Policy Debate Festival is a new event that begins with the opening of the 11th National Assembly, so it has a special meaning.


Next, Kim Dal-su, senior political affairs officer in Gyeonggi-do, said, “It is the root of legislative activities where the parliament, the executive branch, citizens and experts meet, and it is an event like a spring of water to create innovative policies.


Lee Hyeon-cheol, director of education cooperation at Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, said, “Through the discussion, we will improve the voices of the educational field and form a basis for policy establishment. I will work hard for it.”


Nam Jong-seop, representative of the Democratic Party of Gyeonggi-do, said, “As the policy debate has been a place for policy festivals where people from all walks of life have gathered their wisdom to create an educational environment that makes the people happy and children and students happy. We look forward to many diverse discussions and good policy proposals for this purpose,” he said.


Kwak Mi-sook, representative of the People's Power of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly, said, "Through the Artisan Policy Debate Festival, which openly discusses major policies, it is necessary to increase the social centripetal force and expand the interests of the community." She also said, “While diversity is recognized, we will communicate to create a unified Gyeonggi-do with Gyeonggi-do residents, the provincial government, and the Office of Education.”


Following the opening ceremony, [Discussion on the Problems of Toxic Disinfectants and Preparation of Countermeasures] was held, chaired by Hwang Jin-hee, chairman of the Education Planning Committee of the Gyeonggi Provincial Assembly.


You can participate in the 2022 Gyeonggi-Gyeonggi Education Policy Debate Festival through the Gyeonggi Provincial Council's YouTube channel.

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